NIS Directive: Negotiations in the Council


Panel NIS Event

The European Security Round Table (eSRT) has given its members the opportunity to discuss the state of play of the negotiations in the Council on the Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive at a strategic moment. 

The day after the last April negotiation session of the Telecommunication Council Working Group and before the preparation of the Telecommunications Attachés' reports, the discussion has given a privileged insight on the progress of the institutional talks as well as on their expected impact in EU Member States.

The event was divided in two sessions. First, Christos Datsikas, Chairperson of the Telecom Council Working Group and representative of the Greek Presidency, Steve Purser, ENISA, Jakub Boratynski, DG Connect and Cornelia Kutterer, DIGITALEUROPE, have provided a general overview on the NIS Directive, its features, its progress and the current state of play of the negotiations. Then, Jurand Drop, Representative of Poland, and Amardeo Sarma, Trust and Digital Life, have given an input about the expected impact of the legislation. 

Professor Jos Dumortier, B-CCENTRE. concluded the discussion with a summarizing and comprehensive approach, leaving the participants with a clearer understanding of the future developments of the NIS Directive.