
  • European-Cloud:-Vision-or-Fiction?

    27.01. - 27.01.2015 in NH Hotel du Grand Sablon, Brussels

    A joint event with AFCEA Europe on “Cloud 4 Europe”, The conference will comprise speeches, plenary sessions and workshop discussions as well as a theme related table top exhibition on leading edge technology and cloud related software applications.

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  • European Security Forum 2014

    17.11. - 18.11.2014 in Albert Hall, Brussels

    The European Security Forum will provide key foreign, security and defence policy-makers with a well-tailored opportunity to exchange and discuss views from EU and Member States perspectives.

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  • The path towards a comprehensive and effective EU Maritime Security Strategy

    The path towards a comprehensive and effective EU Maritime Security Strategy
    14.05. - 14.05.2014 in Representation of Lower Saxony to the EU

    In the framework of the Council negotiations on the European Union Maritime Security Strategy, the ESRT held this conference in cooperation with the Hellenic Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

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